Newtex Performance Materials are commonly used in refineries, foundries, shipyards, military & defense projects, construction sites, power generation, process equipment & petrochemical plants, and other environments. Learn more about the high temperature products that Newtex offers for your specific application or industry.
Gasketing & Sealing
Specialized line of asbestos-free tapes and ropes for use in high temperature gasketing and packing applications.
Insulation, Lagging & Covers
High temperature materials for producing removable insulation, expansion joints, and other fabricated systems.
Moisture & Chemical Barrier
Our Range of Inorganic Coatings Provide Moisture, Chemical, Abrasion, & Weather Resistance
Smoke Control & Containment
We Manufacture Fabrics, Curtains, Coatings, & Containment Units Designed to Control Smoke
Welding & Fire Protection
Protective fabrics for use in applications where molten metal splatter and hot works operations pose serious fire hazards.
Architectural & Construction
Protect Building Materials & Workers from Sparks and Other High Temperature Hazards
Automotive & Transportation
Heat Shielding & Exhaust System Insulation Solutions to Improve Fuel Efficiency
Food & Other Processing
High Temperature Insulation, Sealing, & Protective Products Ensure Efficiency & Keep Personnel Safe
Foundry Casting & Glass
High Temperature Fabrics & Protective Apparel for Handling & Transporting Hot Metal & Glass
Military & Homeland Security
Materials for protection from high temperatures, fire, sparks, and molten metal splash.
Petroleum & Chemicals
Insulation, sealing, and protective products for ensuring operational performance and for protecting workers and facilities.
Power Generation
Performance materials and protective equipment used to support safety requirements and improve efficiency by preventing the escape of fugitive gases.
Shipbuilding & Marine
Products for thermal and acoustic insulation and for protecting workers and facilities during metal working operations.